Pledge your birthday and help change lives.
It’s easy.
Instead of gifts, ask for donations.
Freedom Starts with You! Birthday campaigns have been part of our story since the beginning. We are a movement of everyday people and birthdays are a unique opportunity we all have to make a difference.
Celebrate with us by pledging your birthday this year! One day a year can make a lasting impact in someone else’s life. We know you’re passionate about fighting modern-day slavery, now you can easily start your campaign page, share it with your friends and family, and be inspired as the gifts come in.
Every gift, every campaign, every birthday makes a difference in this fight to eradicate human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Join us by pledging your birthday today!
Start Fundraising
How It Works
Why Pledge Your
At Hope Inspire Love, we love birthdays but we also know that for many people there may not be much to celebrate this year. Pledge your birthday to charity and with your pre designed birthday fundraising page, you can make your special day a joyous occasion for all!
Is your birthday coming up soon?
Get StartedBirthday Facts
birthdays are celebrated
around the world every day
average amount raised by
a person’s birthday campaign
people get reached through awareness as a result of an average birthday campaign
has already been raised for Freedom through birthdays